ZZ Top November 6th at The Rio Rancho Event Center

Coyote 102.5 welcomes the legends of Classic Rock “ZZ Top” Tickets on sale Friday the 14th at Ticketmaster and rioranchoeventcenter.com Listen for your shot win and get entered for Box seats and a guitar from music Go Round on Menual. Official Ticket link https://links.engage.ticketmaster.com/els/v2/X64_TVekqkJN/cGxOYkpMSENQTEh2bzdsOFFBRE5iaXFTTEVkTnpNSzZ1YWI2MVd6SmpFUjZ3NzkyQkc4aldrSTY5Z204Wlg4b2FRaGlHL3FIdkFHYmJySTlPYUpmZmhmVDhoOGpNdlBRQUtRUFpRL3J1NkE9S0/

