Coyote 102.5 along with Slate Street Billiards want to send you to see “The Eagles” in Vegas at the Sphere! Slate Street Billiards has the best menu of award winning burgers, wings, nachos and over 16 tables to shoot on. Sports on the screens, dinner with friends, and plenty of fun at Slate Street on Southern near Unser in Rio Rancho. Listen to Coyote 102.5 for your chance to get qualified and enter to qualify at Slate Street Billiards. All qualifiers gather Saturday November 16th starting at 3PM to see who with the tickets, one thousand dollars to get you to Vegas and a custom wrapped electric guitar from Music Go Round on Menual! Go to Slate Street and enter for a chance to get qualified too and we will take last minute qualifiers at Slate Street November 16th ! The Eagles, in Vegas, from Slate Street Billiards and Classic Rock that Rocks…Coyote 102.5